Hello Pack Mates,
I’m sitting here in self-quarantine like most of you are, and trying to think of the best words to try and give you all some measure of comfort in these dark times. I’m still grappling with the sentence I just wrote, my own thoughts and fears, and this uncertain time.
Those of you who have read Tainted Moonlight may understand this more than new readers, but quarantine is something my characters have been dealing with for a long time. My story takes place five years after a supernatural virus outbreak is finally under control, and while it’s a work of fiction, some things do remain true. I did a lot of research on viruses the fourteen years I wrote my book, before finally publishing it in 2016. While I hope things settle down wayyy before five years pass (hopefully we will see things returning back to normal by the summer time) and I I do know that COVID-19, like my unnamed supernatural virus, will definitely change the world. It already has been.
Right now everyone is helping by doing their part by taking themselves off the board and social-distancing. Self-quarantining is definitely a lot nicer than the things my characters face (THANKFULLY!!!). It’s important to stop the spread of a virus, and help those who can not protect themselves. This unprecedented pandemic which has already devastated other countries like Italy, and I am hoping we do not get to that level of infection. I wish there was more that I could do, but right now the best thing I can do is to lay low, and pray that this passes.
Due to the nature of this pandemic and social distancing, all of my appearances through June 30, 2020 will be cancelled until further notice. If things lighten up and we are able to, I will be rescheduling events as soon as I am able. But I will not if it puts others at risk. It is vital we stop this virus in its tracks, and the only way to do that is to try and keep our distance, practice good hand-washing techniques, and try to continue to spread one thing through these uncertain times – kindness.
I will have some more news soon that may help during this rough time, but in the meanwhile, please, above all else be safe out there Pack Mates. Do not spread false information and check your sources before you share on social media. A lot of people are scared, and that’s okay, but it’s important not to let the fear take hold of your life. If there is one thing that I take comfort in, it’s that everything is temporary, and this too shall pass. It’s important to remember we control how we react and respond to things, even if we can’t control what is going on around us.
Please stay safe Pack Mates. I love you all. If you need someone to talk to, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on any of my social media.
Be well, be safe, and be kind, always.
Sincerely Yours,
~ Erin Kelly