Greetings Pack Mates!
I knew this announcement was coming, but I had no idea that it would be approved so soon, so here it is, SURPRISE RELEASE DAY!!!
Welcome to the Pack Torian!
Introducing my narrator, Torian Brackett. This is his first audio book production, and he is an incredibly talented actor who really bringsĀ Tainted Moonlight to life. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I do!
Please welcome him to the Pack! Follow him on his social media and more to show support by checking out his website here!
We are currently in production for Captured Moonlight and that will be out early in the fall, and Infected Moonlight will be following soon!
You can get your copy for FREE by signing up for a 30 day FREE trial of audible here! You can cancel any time and you get to keep your copy of Tainted Moonlight forever!
Please be sure to leave a review after you listen! All feedback helps and it’s great to hear from our readers/listeners!
Thank you so much Pack Mates! I appreciate all of your support as always!
More surprises and behind the scenes coming soon!